A question of choice

As we journey through this life, we are aided by a powerful tool, choice. The more we understand and utilize its strength, the stronger we become.

The Silent Eye

I have been thinking a lot lately…there is more than enough time for that at the moment. Not that a mind often stops. It sleeps occasionally, though even dreams may keep it busy. Sometimes it feels as if conscious thought goes into abeyance and I stand back and watch another me, one who knows something that I do not. A bigger me. Not, as my sons would gleefully tell you given my mere five foot that this is a difficult thing.

Many writers recount how their characters write the book and they, as authors, simply take down the words as dictation. I can verify this for I have felt it myself, learning to know and love my creations as they create themselves. All the writer does then, is set the scene and give them a form to inhabit. The characters seem to write the rest for themselves and the writer…

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BANNED BOOK WEEK: Thank a Librarian and read a Banned Book

“We are willing enough to praise freedom when she is tucked away in the past and cannot be a nuisance. In the present, amidst dangers whose outcome we cannot foresee, we get nervous about her and admit censorship.   –  E.M. Forster


“Censorship is to art as lynching is to justice.”   –  Henry Louis Gates


“Submitting to censorship is to enter the seductive world of ‘The Giver’: the world where there are no bad words and no bad deeds. But it is also the world where choice has been taken away and reality distorted. And that is the most dangerous world of all.”   –  Lois Lowry




Fight Censorship and thank a Librarian

It’s banned books week

And if a book hasn’t

Made it on that list

I’m not sure it is

Worth my time



It’s banned books week

If you care about

Making your own


If there is a book

You like that

Has made the list

Speak out


It’s banned books week

Somewhere there is a

Librarian who has stuck

Her neck out

For your right to

Read what you choose

They are the hero’s of

The hour


It’s banned books week


Read a book

From the list

Read the statement

Freedom to Read 1953


Then go to the independent

Book store and buy

Banned books


Stop by and leave a comment. Share your favorite Banned Book.





Please forgive my extended absence. There have been numerous computer issues and all are not yet resolved. Lea

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Never allow a person to tell you NO who doesn’t have the power to say YES.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.” – Anatole France

What others say and do is a projection of their own reality.”                                                                              – don Miquel Ruiz


everywhere we go

doors are behind us

some loom ahead

as though we must possess

some magical key

to gain entry

there are doors that

we must labor to gain entry

but our toil will be rewarded

some doors left ajar

anyone can access

you are welcome here

other doors remain sealed

regardless of our

sacrifice – slammed

in our faces, without a trial

publicly shamed for

our endeavors

impenetrable is the threshold

of the closed mind

entombed by ignorance, hatred,

control of what

they cannot comprehend

that which frightens – doorkeepers

doorkeepers who prey

on the doors of those

they chose to marginalize,

disenfranchise, condemn

robbing us of the power

of choice – self determination

… life

– Léa

Alien Landscape


“Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?   – Bob Marley


“Not on one strand are all life’s jewels strung.”   William Morris


“Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.”   – Charles M. Schulz


“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”   – Thomas A. Edison


Alien landscape


We are all tourists

Some will be obsessed

Driven to make the most

Of each moment

They fail to take pleasure

In the nuances proffered

Others will passively move

From this reality to

Whatever awaits?

There are those who are

Unshakable and move

With grace and confidence

Through the darkest of times

Others claw their way

From first breath to last

To tremble at the touch of another

Can be a most precious gift

Painting the canvas of your life

The colors are yours to choose

Will you play it safe – muted colours?

Dare to express yourself with all the

Vibrancy within your grasp?

Time passes all to quickly

The years both kind and cruel

Reflected in the shading

Light and darkness in turn

Mortality a heartbeat away

Create while you can

The music of your life






Make Hugs Not War.

Stine Writing

Staying Positive and Moving Forward!


Current events, politics, ecology, environmentalism

Lazy French Hiker

France is beautiful. My hiking skills are not.


TheCertifiablyTRUERavingsOfASectionedPhilosopher: Don't be afraid to think you might be a little 'crazy'. Who isn't? Check out some of my visualized poems here: https://www.instagram.com/maxismaddened/

Poet's Corner

Poems, poets, poetry, writing, poetry challenges

Lluís Bussé

Barcelona's Multiverse | Art | Culture | Science


The future is painted in the words of our drawings and the wisdom behind it's coinage